About the Book

One of the biggest misconceptions we face in life is believing that we have time…. We don’t!

“Is this the life you imagined? What if you were wrong?” is a 63,000 word interactive journey that both chronicles my life growing up in a poor, broken family in one of Calgary’s roughest neighborhoods and invites the reader to consider the important questions that my experiences raised for me—questions that I believe everyone needs to ask before it’s too late.

This book is about how I over came adversity and ultimately finding success and happiness. I share about:

• being raised by an abusive alcoholic father who routinely raped my mother
• taking a man’s life while a police officer in a small rural farming community in Saskatchewan
• being the target of organizational harassment
• being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after witnessing the atrocities of genocide while working with the UN in war-torn Kosovo, Yugoslavia.

It’s a story about beating the odds.

I became a high-ranking police officer with Canada’s national police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and was a member for 34 years. I achieved the rank of superintendent and was decorated three times for outstanding service to Canada, twice by the Government of Canada and most recently by Her Majesty the Queen. I was also formally recognized for meritorious service to the United Nations, when I was awarded the prestigious United Nations Peacekeeping medal.

This memoir will demonstrate in a very simple step by step method that life is truly a gift not to be wasted. It will encourage readers to realize that there are no “do-overs” or “rewind” buttons and that everything we experience in our lives is, in fact, what we’ve chosen to experience.

This is a story about how we can all learn to live the life we were meant to live before it was too late.